Jaguars Doing It Right Under Khan
By Luke Sims
He’s smiling because he knows how to make this team a winner. Source: Phil Sears-USA TODAY Sports
Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shahid Khan is doing business his way in the NFL, and it’s a refreshing departure from the norm. We’re all used to hearing the constant stream of information and bravado coming from the New York Jets and the Dallas Cowboys, and even teams like the Minnesota Vikings like to throw things out like they are the big boys every once in a while. Jerry Jones is a ridiculously notable figure for an NFL owner and some others, like Zygi Wilf, want to be seen congratulating with their team at any point they possibly can.
Khan isn’t that kind of man.
Khan has a history outside of the NFL as a success. He knows what it takes to get things done and he’s not afraid to do them quietly. In that way, Khan and the Jacksonville franchise are well suited for each other. The league’s least popular franchise rarely makes waves (despite many of us fans wanting them to). Khan, in his pursuit for a new general manager is continuing this trend.
Khan is following a business model much more similar to that of Robert Kraft in New England. There is really no need for the owner to be that visible. Even when the owner does need to get involved (by hiring a GM in this case) there is no need to publicize every aspect of it. While this can sit poorly with some fans, it is an approach that brings respect and professionalism to a professional sport that is frequently overrun by hooligans.
Khan is not a hooligan. He doesn’t want the Jaguars to be hooligans either.
Khan is quiet about what he doing and who he is seeing for interviews to fill the GM opening. But his quiet approach should not be confused with a stupid or poor approach. Khan, after cutting his teeth in his rookie NFL season with Gene Smith, now knows what he needs and he will quietly go out and get it. He will be a beloved NFL owner, and that starts with making the right moves and having the right demeanor. Too often we relied on Smith to provide a focus on good character personnel, but now we have an owner who is leading by example. A leader who is doing it right.
– Luke N. Sims
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