Jaguars And Steelers May Soon Have More Things In Common Than Their Play Styles — Jags Possibly Looking To Sell

Jaguar messages boards are a-buzz over this report. The story states that Wayne Weaver has been shopping the Jaguars around and may soon sell them to billionaire C. Dean Metropoulos, former chairman and chief executive officer of New Jersey-based Pinnacle Foods.

The article then goes on to talk about how that won’t bode well for Jaguar fans. You know how people love to talk about how they will move the team to LA (seriously I hate this kind of talk it makes me all sorts of upset) but Wayne Weaver worked his butt off to get them here. A new owner however? Not so much.

I think it is all rumors but that doesn’t stop the fans from flipping out. It seems like the same thing that happened with the Brett itch story. Next thing you’ll hear is that Weaver sent a text message about possibly selling the team. However, it is now being reported on Keep in mind, the report on is a report about the other report.

This whole thing is just ridiculous.

Here is how that Jacksonville essay opens up:

"The Jaguars had no immediate comment Wednesday night on a Philadelphia Daily News report that team owner Wayne Weaver is negotiating to sell the team to billionaire C. Dean Metropoulos, who could move the team to Los Angeles."

Instil fear in the fans. Awesome journalism right there.

Then, not even three paragraphs later,

"“I must tell you I haven’t had any such discussions,” Metropoulos was quoted in the Daily News. “I wouldn’t know how to give you any credibility to that because I don’t know anything about it.”"

So. Nothing from the Jaguars talking about the sale. The guy dealing with the supposed purchase basically says “there’s no credibility in your story”. Yet the story is talking off in the sports journalism world.

To put this in more perspective, this is the same paper that reported that the Jags getting Lito Sheppard was a done deal. Yeah.

Phooey on all this mess, I say.

Thankfully, Big Cat Country is being sane about this whole thing. They are a lot more detailed and a lot less angry than I am so you should definitely check out their story here.

The highlights:

"Galatioto Sports Partners, the firm that according to Domowitch may be helping the Weavers in selling the team, is the same firm that was hired last summer to assist in finding a naming rights sponsor for the stadium.  Unless the firm found more than the Jaguars are looking for, this story might have more to do with naming rights and less than an outright sale.  More to come as we find out."

Those guys are good people.
