It’s Not Gabbert, It’s the Play Calling


Bratkowski’s passing offense hasn’t been in the top 10 since 2007.  Source: Kim Klement-US PRESSWIRE

My patience for offensive coordinator Bob Bratkowski’s play calling is running thing.  I admire head coach Mike Mularkey for admitting he took on too much when he was HC in Buffalo and decided to delegate play calling duties to Brat, but it may be time for Mularkey to take the reins back.

Under Bratkowski the Jaguars simply aren’t playing to their strengths.

In the last four games the Jaguars have rushed for only 217 yards (54.2 yards per game).  Rashad Jennings is averaging a meager three yards per attempt and has only had 175 rushing yards in the last four games (43.7 yards per game).  It is easily apparent that the strength of the Jaguars sans Maurice Jones-Drew is Blaine Gabbert.

Gabbert’s attempts per game have risen by 11 (28 per game with MJD to 39 per game without)  but most of that has been a result of playing down rather than feeding MJD who was only averaging 14 attempts per game.  Jennings has averaged 10 attempts per game but has been spelled more since taking over starting duties.

Bratkowski needs to let Gabbert control this offense more.  It is obvious the Jaguars will not be running over the opposition without Jones-Drew and it is equally apparent that the more control Gabbert has over the offense the more they have marched down the field.  While the passing plays have been called by Bratkowski, Gabbert has become increasingly good at adjusting to the way the defense is lined up as the season has gone on.

I’m not advocating for Gabbert to be given the reins like Peyton Manning in Indy later in his career.  I’m just advocating for Mularkey, Atlanta’s offensive coordinator over the past four seasons, does what he does best: plans and implements his offense.  Bratkowski’s offense is stale and predictable – just ask Darius Butler who jumped an easy and predictable route for a pick-6 on Thursday.  The two-headed game planning and one man play calling is obviously not working.  Mularkey’s offenses have been balanced but lean toward the pass.  In Atlanta that meant passing while holding the lead as well as playing from behind.  With Bratkowski the Jaguars look like a shell of themselves from last season.

Last year’s game plan only gave us five wins.  It didn’t work then and it works less now.  There’s a reason Dirk Koetter and Jack Del Rio aren’t here anymore.  Bratkowski and Mularkey need to make a change now before they end up gone as well.

– Luke N. Sims

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