Khan Can’t Wait to Remove Tarps From Seats

Jaguars owner, Shahid Khan, recently sat down with Sports Business Journal Daily and discussed a wide-range of topics regarding the team. Included in the conversation, Khan mentioned how he hopes to one day remove the tarps that cover some 10,000 seats in the stadium. Continue after the jump for more from the interview.

"Daniel Kaplan: Do you hope to get rid of the tarps that cover some of the stadium seats? (The team covers the seats because it cannot sell them.)Khan: Absolutely. To me, every day I look at the tarps it is like underachieving, and I can’t wait to be able to do that."

I think it’s crucial for the team to be able to one day remove those tarps, hopefully in the very near future. In 2005 the team covered up nearly 10,000 seats to reduce the stadium capacity from 76,877 to 67,164. EverBank Field is still ranked 20th in capacity despite the covered seats, ahead of teams such as the Steelers, Colts and Bears. If the team had no covered seats, the stadium would rank in the top five in capacity.

The covered seats are an eye sore and will single-handedly slow the team down from any growth that Mr. Khan has in the works. It sounds like he understands how important it is to grow the fan base and get more people in the stands. It seems to me in the early going of Khan’s tenure as owner that fans are liking his attitude and the moves he is making.

Now it’s time for the national media ‘experts’ to weigh in and say how much we’ve missed by not drafting Tim Tebow.

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