The Denver Broncos are the Jaguars first opponent and a very important home opener. We looked at the Denver defense and found they are a very aggressive 3-4 unit that can either dominate or be picked apart. The defense, when playing well, is the strength of the team. Now let’s look at the offense and see what the new improved (we hope) Jaguar defense will face. Be warned, this is another long article and another 3 credit hours as a jaguar fan major.
Source: yardbarker
When you look at an offense of a team, you want to know where the power is. Can they control the clock with long sustained drives and do they have explosiveness and can flip a game in a second. Let’s look at Denver. For a measure of explosiveness, I reviewed all Denver offensive plays that went 15 yards or more without help of a penalty. Denver had 93 plays that qualified, but only 12 of the 93 were runs, the remaining 81 plays were pass plays. Correll Buckhalter had 7 runs over 15 yards and Knowshon Moreno had 5. Denver is not an explosive running team. Of the plays that went 15 yards or more passing, 9 went to a running back, 3 to Knowshon Moreno the rest to Buckhalter. I think it is safe to conclude that the running backs were not an explosive threat on offense. Denver ran the ball, but it wasn’t what teams feared.
Source: yardbarker