Well; so far I have been very good at prediction-which turned into reality – aligned with the Jaguars GM. I confess, however, even I was surprised with the Tyson Alualu pick. But the more things I learning about the newest 1st round Jaguars draft pick; the more I wonder how could I have not even noticed this young man. We are in the middle of the off season but I’m sure the tireless general manager of the Jaguars is working hard to make this team better in the short and long term. I will try to predict his next 3 moves which can happen in before the regular season starts. So let’s see what I have on my list about what moves can happen soon.
1. Upgrade the safety position
Surprise! Even Gene said he wants to give Reggie Nelson another shot but going after Darren Sharper means he is everything but happy about how the position is looking right now. I can see 2 scenarios. “Option 1” is try to sign currently unrestricted S O.J. Atogwe. But the more I read in the papers and websites about how many teams say “We are not interested” the more I wonder is he a serious candidate. Reportedly he wants too much money; and nobody wants to pay him. Before June 1st I thought there will be a biding war for him; there is no fight for him at all. Right now he is dealing with his old team; the St. Louis Rams for a possible extension…Then what can Gene do? I’m telling you what Option 2 will be. He is waiting for the roster cuts of the other teams in August. You might think but there you can find only bad players. Think again. Think about Sammy Knight who was signed in August of 2007. He had a heckuva season for the Jaguars in that year. He was a journeyman and after that ’07 campaign he earned a 3 year, 5;1 million $ deal from the Giants. An old veteran journeyman gets this money only if he produces a really good job. But I can give another example, Bernard Pollard. He was the best DB of all the Texans after he was cut by the Chiefs. Okay; you can get safeties like Brian Russell to but if you are smart and have a little luck you can find a good patch for 1 year. So let’s hope Gene will find someone in the “junkyard” before the regular season starts.
Tomorrow I will list two other moves Gene will make, or I will make for him! See you then!
– Zoltan Paksa