Week 1, September 7: Jacksonville at Tennesse..."/> Week 1, September 7: Jacksonville at Tennesse..."/>

Jaguar Game By Game Season Prediction


Week 1, September 7: Jacksonville at Tennessee — Win

It is always good to start of the season with a division rival, especially the one that gets more scorn from Jaguar fans than any of the others. Jeff Fisher’s “playing at Jacksonville is like playing at home” comment still gets my black and teal blood boiling.

This is the chance for the Jaguars to come out swinging. With Vince Young’s performance being a total question mark, there is a chance for rookies Groves and Harvey to practice their pass rush in the big league.

The Jaguars must win this to get this season started off on the right foot. They will come out big. They will win this.

Week 2, September 14: Buffalo at Jacksonville — Win

This is the first home game so it is pretty important for the Jaguars to win it to keep up fan morale. Keeping that in mind, I don’t really see Buffalo being a threat to that fan morale. We have played them many times before (and beaten them) and the addition of Marcus Stroud isn’t going to balance out the other troubles they have when they play against us.

Week 3, September 21: Jacksonville at Indianapolis — Loss

The first loss of the season will come at the hands of the Colts but it won’t be by a lot and it won’t be the fault of the offense. The defense has enough green guys this year and Peyton will be able to pick them apart. They won’t mess up big but they will mess up enough that the Jaguars will lose by a field goal.

This loss will make all the sports media talk their talk about how our draft picks weren’t good and blah blah blah. They will ignore us. It will feel right.

Week 4, September 28: Houston at Jacksonville — Win

I really suspect that Houston will be a force to notice this year. They play us hard and proud. I really respect Houston as a team and I am silently rooting for them to make the playoffs, as long as it isn’t against us. However, at home, the Jaguars will be able to shut them down. They won’t get us this time.

Week 5, October 5: Pittsburgh at Jacksonville — Win

The Steeler/Jaguar games are the best games to watch of the season and they have been for many years now. With tough defenses and two top quarterbacks, it will be a sight to see. This will be an extremely close game but the Steeler’s Achilles heel (Fred Taylor) will be their downfall once again.

Week 6, October 12: Jacksonville at Denver — Loss

We typically have Denver’s number. However, I think that this year will be different. I think playing them away is going to be the difference maker. The Jaguars are going to be confident. Maybe too confident. This is all based on gut feelings but hey, this is just a silly game by game prediction post. It can be base on gut feelings.

Week 7, October 19: Bye

I think we will be able to take this so called “bye”. They won’t stand a chance.

Week 8, October 26: Cleveland at Jacksonville — Win

I will admit, I don’t know much about Cleveland other than their depressing history. I know they put up crazy points but also allow crazy points. Jacksonville’s defense will be good enough to not let them get much and Garrard will lead the team to victory.

Week 9, November 2: Jacksonville at Cincinnati — Win

What does Cincinnati have except for Ocho-Cinco? Mathis will be attached to him at the hip and the Jaguars will score more than once on a interception. I really see the Jaguars dominating this game more than any others in the season.

Week 10, November 9: Jacksonville at Detroit — Win

If we lose to the Lions, we don’t deserve to go to the playoffs.

Week 11, November 16: Tennessee at Jacksonville — Win

This game will be important because it is the first AFC South game we’ve played since week 4. The rankings will be pretty clear by now and I have a feeling that Indy will be above us at this point. They don’t mess up much. The Jaguars will win this game. The stadium will be full and loud and the Titans just don’t seem strong enough to face what the Jaguars have to throw at them.

Week 12, November 23: Minnesota at Jacksonville — Win

They got the run game, sure. Judging by Tomlinson’s stats against us, I can safely say that we can completely shut down their run game. This game doesn’t even seem like a contest to me.

Week 13, December 1: Jacksonville at Houston — Loss

The Texans will be on a roll from their own wins and it will carry them into a win here. They will be looking to shine against Jacksonville in their Battle Reds. The Jaguars will look silly on national television. That is what the Texans are destined to make us do.

Week 14, December 7: Green Bay at Jacksonville — Win

Green Bay’s performance is a huge unknown at this point. However, Jacksonville’s is not. At home, in the warm December weather, Jacksonville will win.

Week 15, December 18: Indianapolis at Jacksonville — Win

This will be an amazing game to decide the champions of the AFC South. On Jacksonville’s home turf, there is an advantage. Plus, the Jaguars are hungry. They want this win. They need this win. The new guys on defense will know how the NFL works by now and it will make all the difference.

Week 16, December 28: Jacksonville at Baltimore — Loss

The Jaguars will be champs of the AFC South and rest their starters. Baltimore will win like the Texans did last year.