Gus Bradley and Dave Caldwell Trusted by Shad Khan to Get it Done

Gus Bradley and Dave Caldwell have been pretty blessed to have Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shad Khan at the helm of the ship. While Wayne Weaver certainly understood patience as well, Khan has really allowed Bradley and Caldwell to take their time rebuilding a struggling football team.

The worst kind of pressure a coach and/or general manager can get is from the top. Not just a pressure to win, but a pressure to always do better, to always try and show that you’re doing something, anything to get the job done. In the NFL, it’s already understood you must be working hard for the payoff at the end. It’s already understood that you have to have demonstrative development on the football field.

Undue pressure from an owner (especially one that isn’t involved in the personnel game or the coaching game much) can cause more damage than good.

So, it’s great for me to see that Shad Khan trusts Gus Bradley and Dave Caldwell to get the job done in Jacksonville. Khan has been successful in business before and he has started success in Jacksonville with the Jaguars. “If you have to apply pressure, you probably have the wrong people in charge,” he said while at the NFL Annual meeting in Phoenix, Arizona this week. Khan obviously trusts Bradley and Caldwell that they are doing the job right and that the football team product will grow to match the new stadium, fan experience, and international brand products as well.

If Khan didn’t trust them, we would know. You need look only at the 2-14 season under head coach Mike Mularkey and GM Gene Smith to see that Khan isn’t afraid to immediately shift in a different direction if he doesn’t think the right people are in charge. That first year he got his feet wet and found out a lot of what he wanted to know about the Jaguars organization and about how the NFL works.

Now, he’s confidently put his trust in Caldwell and Bradley. It’s time for them to get it done.

Next: Can Greg Olson get it done at OC?

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